Monopoly is a Deadly Disease which can be
cured only with Competition!
Help us create that Competition and Eliminate
Monopoly from the roots!
Yes, Monopoly in any field or any form is dangerous to the
end user or the society as a whole. Monopoly in any Industry or business leaves
the end user with no choice but to be a helpless victim at the hands of the
company creating the monopoly. The end user or the society at large, however
disappointing they may be with the services of the company creating monopoly,
has to continue with them as they have no other choice.
Monopoly is generally visible in any established market. The
reason is no one dares to enter an established market as they fear being thrown
out of the market by the existing Monopolistic Player. To a certain extent the
fear may be justified, as rescuing the users or society from the clutches of
this so called monopolistic player is not an easy task. But if the new Entrant
enters the market with better services and the end user community gives them a
chance it becomes a win win situation for the new entrant, the industry and
society at large.
The Trading solution Industry in the Stock Market is such
sector that has been affected by this deadly disease called monopoly. As
there was no choice, the trading community and the broker community had no
choice but to accept whatever was offered to them even though the disliked the
service in totality
But now the cure named "Competition" has arrived
in the market to eliminate this Monopoly and offer the entire Trading and
Broker community a variety of services that they were never offered before by
the existing player.
Join hands with us in Promoting this Competition and ending the
EYE", a customized Trading Solution the way you wanted has entered the
market with a Big Bang.
Intellect Softwares, the creators of this Trading Solution
also offers WMS (Wealth Management Softwares) apart from other variety of
Financial Market Softwares
Visit us on www.intellectsoftwares.com
102, Sardar Akanksha, S.V.P road, Opp Bhagwati
Borivali West, Mumbai – 400103
Contact: 65610061/ 9820903317/9867607160
Email: kedar@intellectsoftwares.com
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